"Brass Ring (It's in My Nature)" BLUE

"Brass Ring (It's in My Nature)" BLUE

Acrylic on wood with brass ring, 11 x 4 x 9 inches, 2024

This latest series, “Brass Ring (It’s in My Nature),” was born out of the painting “Brass Ring (Secretary Bird, Sea Lion, Scorpion).” In the painting / sign, a misfit hybrid creature holds a brass ring at the tip of its scorpion tail as an offering to the future riders of this twisted carousel. In order to win a free ride, one has to grab the ring as they go round and around, while also avoiding a jab from the scorpion.

In the tale of the frog and the scorpion, a scorpion solicits the help of a frog to help him cross a river, as he cannot swim. “Why would I do such a thing,” asks the frog. “Once we are in the river you will sting me.” The scorpion replies, “Why would I do that, for then we both would drown?” After some consideration, the frog agrees and puts the scorpion on his back. As they are halfway across the river, the frog feels a burning sensation in his side, and realizes that he has indeed been stung by the scorpion. “Why did you sting me Mr. Scorpion? Now we will both surely drown…” The scorpion replies, “I can’t help it. It’s in my nature.”

As humans, we constantly engage in acts that we know will be our downfall, and yet we can’t seem to avoid it. Do we reach for the brass ring and the uncertain glory that comes with it, even at the expense of being stung by a venomous scorpion? More often than not, the answer is yes, “I can’t help it. It’s in my nature.”

This sculpture was inspired by the Malaysian blue scorpion.